Sunday, June 23, 2013

My Love Affair with Lake Michigan

When I was young and stayed overnight at my Aunt Ellen and Uncle Mart's cottage, my cousins and I all slept in a large upstairs bedroom that spanned the length of the house. At night when the lights were turned out and the windows were open I could hear the waves of Lake Michigan lapping at the shore.  It was such a soothing sound.  For me it was nature's lullaby before sleep.

I was probably about ten when I had an epiphany sitting on the beach in my bathing suit.  I scooped up a handful of sand and looked closely at the grains.  I realized that in the whole extent of the world, I was only as big as one grain of sand. It was a humbling thought.

We loved to go to that cottage on Lake Michigan and play in the waves. It was a happy place where other relatives came and we were able to spend time with cousins.  My aunt and uncle once hosted a family square dance in their big living room.

The big lake has always held wonderful memories for me.  I especially like the beach in the spring and fall when there is no one around except the seagulls and me. For those of us who grew up with the big lake in our back yard, it has often called us back from parts unknown.  I am content that my husband and I returned to live fairly close to Lake Michigan and I can visit its beaches whenever I please.

Now I watch our grandchildren have the same experience in the sand and water.  It will continue for generation after generation if those who follow us take care of our planet and keep our lakes clean.  I wish the same delight to continue that I had as a child and the beauty of the lake to forever remain a constant. 

The grandchildren enjoy a delightful day of sun and waves at Lake Michigan.

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