Monday, June 10, 2013

Autumn's Child

I am a child of autumn.  Late September, when I arrived in this world, was the season of chilly nights and glorious days.  Dark purple and yellow chrysanthemums were in full bloom and the canning had been completed.  The colorful jars of tomatoes, peaches, pears, sweet cherries, corn, and string beans, along with my mother's wonderful grape juice were stored in the cellar.

There was always an excitement for me in autumn because I loved school.  It meant a new hand made dress for the first day and a nervousness at meeting my teacher.  The feeling of anticipation followed me through college and into my teaching career.  It was always hard to sleep the night before the beginning of a new school year.

The first day of school jitters lasted from 1951 when I started kindergarten to 2000 when I retired from teaching.  However the autumn excitement has continued as my husband and I travel to wonderful places and the learning outside of school is a constant.

It seems I have come full circle as I am in the autumn of my life.  The last five lines of Tennyson's poem Ulysses seem to fit me perfectly.

We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are, -
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

I am still seeking and thinking and writing.  There is much to accomplish before I have to yield. 


  1. I'm wondering if I'm a child of winter's discontent made glorious summer by the fact that it is now summer. I always loved that quote. I knew it from Dead Poet's Society. Now you have a comment to keep your post company.

    1. The fact that you were born in February may dictate your nature. Thank you for the comment.
