Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Just Wandering

I just came into the den to get some scissors and tape to wrap a present and I glanced down into the corner and noticed there were children’s books on the floor that needed to be put back on the shelf.  I stopped myself from doing that job because I have been wandering around all day from chore to chore and not getting anything completely done.  Now I am writing about my predicament while I should be wrapping a present.

A few minutes ago I went into the backroom of the basement with an intended purpose  and forgot why I was there.  I looked around at the mess of paint brushes from a project that I needed to complete this winter, but is still awaiting the final coat of paint.  I could have worked on that while I was trying to figure out why I had entered that messy room in the first place.

Then it came to me.  I needed wrapping paper.  I found that in a sack on the floor.  I came back up to the kitchen to wrap the present and saw the small bottles of wine on the table that needed to be put away.  So I did that.

That’s when I got back to the gift that needed to be wrapped and came into the den. I saw that my desk was a mess and needed to be cleaned off, but I’m writing all this down so can’t do it now.  After I finish writing I’m going to wrap the present, and then go upstairs and look for vintage linens I want to sell.  Oops...I have to find the tags I use to mark the linens.  I think those are down in my craft room.  I’ll go get those before I wrap the present so I’ll be ready to go upstairs to find my linens.  

Have to say I really don’t feel like doing the linen thing right now so maybe I’ll clean off my desk. Or maybe I’ll open a small bottle of wine and read a book.  On a cold gray day in Michigan that sounds like the best plan to me.  A day of wandering tires me out.  

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