Sometimes words aren't necessary to describe what we see before us. When my husband told me I should hurry to catch the sunlight on the trees by our son's house, I grabbed my camera although I was still in my pajamas. The sky was gray and the sun was going in and out behind the clouds. I had to snap fast. In the afternoon I just wandered the neighborhood looking for colorful scenes and the sun again was instrumental in my getting some good shots.
Peak color reminds us that it can be here today and gone tomorrow. Cold weather is settling in and even though we haven't had a hard frost yet, it is coming. Today reminds me that sometimes I have to stop what work I'm doing in the house in order to reap the benefits of what nature tosses our way. She is saying, "Catch it while you can because tomorrow I might bring you snowflakes." I caught it as best I could and now I'm tossing it on to you.

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