Sunday, October 12, 2014

Last Glimpse

 A final look at various places in England and Edinburgh, Scotland that tell a little more of the story of our travels.  

Stonehenge with what is called the slaughter stone in front.  The stone circle was erected around 2500 BC.  It is one
of the wonders of the world.  We visited on a gray and misty morning and I felt a sense of awe that such a thing could be erected in prehistoric times and still survive.  
At Stonehenge this photo shows the distance visitors must stand from the stones.

Very gooey English pastries. 

Building in Stow-on-the Wold.  A lovely little town in the Cotswolds.

I liked this knob on the door of the loo at a coffee shop.

Just cute.

Despite the antique sign there was no antique store here.  In fact in our travels I only saw one antique store.

So appropriate as there are sheep everywhere in the UK.

Very strange sculptured hedge in Chipping Campden.  

A large old house in the town of Chipping Campden in the Cotswolds.

I was struck by the bright green walls in one room of William
 Wordworth's house, Rydal Mount.

A side yard at Wordsworth's house overlooking Lake Windermere.

Beatrix Potter's house at Hill Top. If you haven't seen the movie Miss Potter, it is a good
one to watch about her life.  The house is filled with little treasures.

Beatrix's garden.  Can't you see the bunnies hiding in the plants?

Stone buildings and stone walls everywhere.

Stepping Stones across a small river in the Lake District.  

Edinburgh, Scotland

Roses against a stone wall in the city center.

Castle on one end of the Royal Mile.

A street musician.  Wouldn't you expect a kilt in Scotland?

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