Saturday, May 24, 2014


Several years ago
I took the grandchildren
to show them graveyard
history while we planted
pink geraniums and  
read the markers

I explained that once a year
we put flowers on graves
to honor parents, grandparents
and little brothers
who were babies
when they left
this world

Thinking a four year old
might not understand what
is beneath the ground
and why a large stone
sits on top I quietly said
we come to this place
to remember those we loved
who have left our lives
Little minds often understand
more than we think as
later when the youngest saw
a cemetery he remarked
“That’s a place to take
flowers to remember
your mother who died
a long time ago.”

My maternal grandparents:  Anna (1892-1995) and Michael (1884-1925) Babinec

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