Friday, August 16, 2013

After the midnight hour

The clock blinked from 3:59 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. and I had been awake since before 3:00 or so I thought.  There is something so depressing about not being able to sleep in the middle of the night.  Thoughts seem more intensified in the dark hours.

When I had to go to work everyday, the longer I was awake in the night, the more anxious I felt.  I would start to figure out what time I would definitely have to fall asleep in order to get at least six hours of shut eye.

Not being at home and not sleeping is even worse.  I have sleeping pills for emergencies, but if I haven't taken one before midnight, then it is too late.  I have been known to sit on the floor in a hotel bathroom reading in the wee hours of the morning because I cannot sleep and there is no other room to go to.

Once at home I actually went for a walk in the dark.  I was particularly troubled over something and yelled into the night.  I wouldn't recommend that to someone who lives in town, but the country allows a certain amount of insane behavior. 

One thing that helps me is a journal I keep on my nightstand.  If I can't sleep I often go to another room as to not wake my husband and write down what I am thinking.  It can be something good that happened, a problem I am pondering over or just pure angst.  The first page has the title The Midnight Hour.

Bits and pieces of certain entries read like this - Dec. 5, 2012 - Maybe it is the lack of snow or the chilly air or no sense of self.  Whatever it is, I am feeling sad.  The thought came to me today that I could live 30 more years and it made me shudder.  I need a plan for the last passage of my life.  What do I want to accomplish yet?

March ?, 2013 - It is 2:59 and it is another sleepless night.  Winter hit again and it has affected my mood.  I am starting to feel hemmed in by messes I have here and there throughout the house. 

March 30, 2013 - I have to say I have been extremely contented this last month.  I've worked about 6 hours in my antique booth and I love how it looks.  I am eager for the season to start.  I am looking forward to getting out a few summer clothes and heading south.  It has been awhile since we've taken our own car on a road trip.

April 18, 2013 - I want us to build a little get away place by the pond.  I want to use if for writing and sales.....I don't know what advice to give my children.  Maybe just listening is all I should do.  I think a mother's role is never finished - it just ends one day.

May 13, 2013 - In the middle of the night I always think negative thoughts.

If I have been awake too long I do have a last resort although I should be embarrassed to admit it.  There really is only one thing that will get me back to sleep and I only use it as a desperate measure.     I gently wake up my husband and whine,  " I can't sleep."  Through his grogginess he starts massaging my back.  It relaxes me immediately and almost always puts me to sleep.

I was at my daughter's without my husband recently and when the clock blinked 4:20 a.m. I knew there was no help.  Luckily I had a good book that could make me sleepy and if that didn't work I could look forward to coffee by 7:00 a.m.  I opened my book and began to plan my afternoon nap.

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