Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Fun & Foibles of Facebook

As I was perusing something on Facebook last week, a little blurb popped up that said, “See the 3 people who have unfriended you on FB for free.” Apparently sometimes a person has to pay to see who has unfriended them.

I was going to push the button when I finished taking one of those inane quizzes that told me what the color of my eyes predicted for the future. However when I finished, the space where I could find out who didn’t like me was gone.

But I didn’t have to push anything to know who had unfriended me over the last three years. And actually I think the number of “unfriends” is four.   All right….let’s just say when a presidential election is coming up, I can not keep my mouth shut.  There is so much misinformation out there and if people don’t follow politics as we do at our house or read a newspaper or watch TV, they seem to just form opinions based on gut feelings, prejudices or just plain misinformation. Two people unfriended me when I called them out on untruths.  

The other two unfriended me because of their beliefs which didn’t coincide with mine and it wasn’t over politics, but just good common sense as I could see it.  Plus they are young and I am old and my generation, according to them has caused all the problems in the world.  I don’t disagree with that, but like so many in our country, they want to go backward and do away with many of the things that keep us safe and our children safe namely vaccines.

So there you have it…..I was wrong because I was an old fuddy duddy who didn’t know what I was talking about even though in my mind, experience counts for something. I tried to tell them what it was like before the polio vaccine, but they were born after those times and it meant little to them. However I refuse to go backward in any kind of scientific achievement or civil rights for anyone. I happen to think that is just good progressive thinking.
Most people want Facebook to be a place where pleasantries are exchanged and likes are given liberally, but don’t mess with someone’s opinion.  As one of the people who unfriended me said, “My page is for my opinion and not yours.”  Really?  It is very easy to hide these people if I don’t agree with their train of thought and I have done more of that in the last year rather than engage or unfriend. If someone gets too right wingy in their posts, they disappear for awhile so I don’t come across what they put up. But once in awhile, someone needs the other side, and I’m not shy about giving it.  I’m sure I have been “hidden” on some people’s sites as well and in the case of four, they made me disappear completely.  

The fun of Facebook though is immeasurable.  I would not be connected with family and friends from early teaching and college days if it weren’t for Facebook.  It is easier than it used to be to know when someone is joking. All the little blurbs that are funny and make me giggle are good for my mental health.  

It is impossible to "like" everything I enjoy reading, as the shelf life of anything someone posts is about two seconds before the next post comes down the pike.  

Sharing pictures and news can be both heartwarming and sad. There seems to be a community of friends who come together when something bad happens in a person’s life and they rally around the person in need. The same is true if there is a joyous event.

Keeping in touch with our many relatives is another positive.  
I enjoy seeing new babies that have come into the world from nieces and nephews and now from their children.  I love seeing my two granddaughters who live three hours away and their accomplishments posted.

Facebook for me has been a jumping off place to write longer pieces and share my blog with those who are interested in reading what I have to say.  For that I am eternally grateful.  

Please feel free to express your opinion on this blog, especially if you disagree with me.  I welcome all opinions, even if they don’t jibe with mine.  I promise not to jump down your throat if I disagree.  I might “hide” you for awhile, but that is the worst that can happen.  

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Bikes Down

Wheels still spinning
Bikes thrown down in a rush
  to get to the house
Screen door slamming
  and two blonde headed children
  pushing each other out of
  the way into the kitchen
Cookies cooling on the breadboard
Noses like dogs had made them
  come peddling hard
Grandpa pulling the last pan
  out of the oven
Cold milk, warm cookies
 no time to put the standards down